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Alma Haser - Within 15 Minutes

Within 15 Minutes - The average time between twins when they are born

Alma Haser has always found identical twins fascinating, as do most people. It is the incredible realisation that there are two versions of the exact same person, hard to tell apart, unless they wear different clothes or hairstyles. They often finish each other's sentences, as they are one and the same person. 

Monozygotic or identical twins occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote which then divides into two separate embryos. Monozygotic twins are genetically almost identical. Identical twins do not have the same fingerprints because, even in the confines of the womb, the foetuses touch different parts of this environment, creating small variations in the same fingerprint and therefore making each of them unique. 

Alma photographed sets of identical twins and made them into identical jigsaw pussies. She then swaps every other piece of their puzzles, completely mixing them half and half. Not always knowing where their eyes, mouths and lips would end up, the result is a pair of eerie, unrecognisable portraits. No longer seen as completely identical, they are unique.