Crypto jumpers "POPSIKI" by Ilya Kazakov
Talented Russian illustrator Ilya Kazakov released a hoard of his freshly baked NFT crypto jumpers - POPSIKI. It is a logic continuation of GIF project he started long time ago in 2006 called POPS but redrawn with a modern twist and ready for the big trade online.
The idea behind POPSIKI is to reflect internet culture as well as drop collaborations with popular artists and platforms and create a funny marketplace for Crypto enthusiasts. Ilya will create only 1000 unique jumpers, drawn frame-by-frame.
It could be a perfect age test if you can remember the first logo of Designcollector I created in 2003, that was later pixelated by @turbomilk studio and even unintentionally mocked by @Mr_Bingo while he signed me a book at @OFFFest
Now the logo is immortalised with NFT POPSIKI