Best Wishes 2017 by Karina Eibatova
Russian illustrator Karina Eibatova (you may remember her by latest work for Hotel on Rhodes Island) decided to make your year 2017 much brighter than previous one and you can't disagree with that fact. "Best Wishes, 2017" is her new initiative where you can enter and preorder a beautiful print and a scarf to deliver you each month with a challenging lifestyle message next year. Karina spent 5 years in creating this project so at the end you will enjoy your full 12-pieces season collection of her artworks and scarves or even few of them if you book a season or two of it on Kickstarter page
“The idea is to share my art through the clothing and interactive poster in which a person could write a goal of the month, inspired by the artwork. The project is created to inspire and motivate people, to make art less elitarian, to share a collaborative vibe of an artist and a musician.”