Ten by Fotolia: François Leroy

Each month Fotolia photo bank asks one famous digital artist to create and artwork and share Photoshop experienced file with all layers and tricks as a self-tutorial. Last one was Designcollector's editor (by a magic coincidence) Xavier Bourdill. Today there is a new author François Leroy with "Travel" theme and FREE PSD available for download for 24hrs. Hurry up and enjoy the masters http://tenbyfotolia.com/


"Начиная с Декабря, 10 самых известных цифровых художников делятся своими ноу-хау и секретами графического дизайна со всем дизайн сообществом в уникальном и первом в истории дизайна проекте Коллекция TEN.

Третий гость "Ten by Fotolia" - Франсуа Лерой (François Leroy) создал уникальную работу на тему "Путешествие". В течение 24 часов (10.02.2012) вы сможете бесплатно скачать полный PSD файл : высококачественную иллюстрацию со всеми слоями Photoshop (.psd), вы получите доступ к каждому лейру, текстурам, стилям, и фильтрам, вы сможете увидеть и понять как соединение всех деталей привело к созданию конечной работы."



Lou Reed Chair by Starck

French designer Philippe Starck has created an armchair with an organic, anthropomorphic outline. The 'Lou Reed' armchair is part of a collection for Paris's Royal Monceau Hotel, fully refurbished by Starck, where it is placed in every room. The video directed by Sébastien Jousse shows of the creation process of the chair.

UPD: RIP Lou Reed it's so strange to have a last news on your page about this post.

Getty Images - Talent Digital: Hellohikimori

During my last vacation trip to Paris I was lucky to spot the office of the world-renown agency Hellohikimori but had no good reason for an interview during our small chat with HKI founder, David Ronhel. I believe rare design office can brag of such an amazing location just two turns from Notre-Dame. And despite touristic brew outside the atmosphere in HKI headquarters was more than workaholic. For an instance Getty Images France were luckier and released a full version of HKI Interview. It worth to enjoy with other videos from "Talent Digital" project featuring famous designers and agencies.

Getty Images - Talent Digital : Hellohikimori

Getty Images spotlight on Florian Schmitt

Getty Images spotlight on Svein Haakon Lia

Getty Images spotlight on Daniel Howells

Getty Images spotlight on Will Pyne


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