Vasilj Godzh illustrations

Skilled and gifted Russian artist Vasilj Godzh shows of his latest artworks

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Alcoholic artworks

"The colourful pictures in this gallery are close-up shots of alcoholic drinks, taken by Florida State University's chemistry department. Drinks such as wine and vodka were placed under a microscope to reveal images of the crystallised sugar. Magnified up to 1,000 times under a high tech laboratory lens, each crystal is different - like a snowflake." via DT also check Bevshots for full collections of this.

Guy Laramee art

Guy Laramée is a true post-digital renaissance artist. Being an interdisciplinary artist found his way through such varied and numerous disciplines as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer. Focusing on his sculptural works there are two series of carved books art - Biblios and The Great Wall. Both a worth to check online or on our gallery.

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Behance Russia - Prosite Giveaway

Designcollector - Official Behance Ambassador in Russia

Публикуем итоги розыгрыша 3х-месячной подписки на сервис Behance Prosite для владельцев портфолио в сети Behance Network Russia.

Из всех заявок мы отобрали более 40 проектов, авторы которых еще не успели обрести популярность на портале Behance Network. Надеемся на то, что сервис создания персональных сайтов Prosite на базе портфолио из Behance поможет победителям обрести новые знакомства и опубликовать свежие работы в "HD качестве".


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Remake by Booooooom

"Remake" was an open competition organized by Adobe and Booooooom portal. The idea behind was simple, participants were requested to remake famous fine art or photography masterpiece. The submissions were awesome, and now take a look at ten finalists. My favourite work is “The Ship” Salvador Dali remake by Justin Nunnink (yes, I am Dalinian).

You can vote for the best remake on Facebook

P.s. the work in a post thumbnail falls out finalist but we like it too - Rodchenko remake made by Giuseppe Roccasanta.

Cardinal Sin by Banksy

"Banksy just placed a new sculpture, Cardinal Sin, at Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, England. The piece, made in response to the child abuse scandals that the church seems to be known for these days, features a face taken off and replaced by blank bathroom tiles. Banksy noted in a statement, ":I'm never sure who deserves to be put on a pedestal or crushed under one." The sculpture sits next to religious works dated from the 17th Century." says Juxtapoze

[button size=big link= target=blank]Banksy official[/button]

Google's Newest Office London

"Would you like to work in a space station? Not the boring old real space station where conditions are quite cramped but a space station built by graduates of the Stanley Kubrick school of interior design? If so, I highly recommend that you get in touch with Google, and ask to be transferred to London." says FastCompany. Designed by PENSON

Kyle Bean

Brighton based designer and magician Kyle Bean creates "is this photoshoped?" trends with handmade "non-objects". His latest work is a series of weapons made from harmless materials for a feature article in CUT Magazine centred around the topic of 'Guerilla Gardening' and 'Yarn Bombing'. Photography by Sam Hofman

[button size=big link= target=blank]Kyle Bean[/button]