Re: Sound Bottle

"The Re: Sound Bottle is the audio equivalent of running around in a field in the summer collecting fireflies in a jar. Designed by Jun Fujiwara from Tama Art University, the bottle is simple in its usage but absurdly complex in its design which relies heavily on software to handle the recording, storing, and playback of audio tracks. To use it you simply uncork the device and if sound is present it immediately snaps into recording mode. As you record more individual sounds, an audio database is formed and tracks are automatically selected to create rhythmic tracks, essentially like a miniature robot DJ in a jar. To listen, you again uncork the top and wait for your personal soundtrack to play. Jun says he hopes the Re: Sound Bottle (still just a concept) will help people interact more directly with music by recording the audio from their daily life. The bottle won a special judge’s prize at the 2012 Mitsubishi Chemical Junior Designer Awards earlier this year."



Sao Paulo City, Brazil based typography and illustration print artist Adhemas Batistais a self-taught digital artist that is world-renowned for his colorful and distinctive illustrative style that he brings to his projects. Batista has worked for advertising agencies, design studios and interactive shops around the world and has developed skills in creative and art direction, illustration, interactive, photography and photo manipulation.

Brendan George Ko

We want to show you "The Barking Wall" photography project made by Brendan George Ko as we think the most interesting

"I remember as a kid I used to cover my face with my hands, and peek at the world through my fingers. I could see the world, but the world couldn't see me. Nowadays I find myself assimilating with the hybrid, a creature I share a betwixt nature with, for we are both between two worlds, having multiple origins, and demand our own realm, such as a gothic castle, a tomb, or limbo to serve as a haven. I seek to create a peace with a conflict of belonging. The Barking Wall serves as a vault; a collection of visual memories that cross-pollinate with lived experience, and extended history (of past generations, oral tradition, and cinema), and spawn new hybrid moments. Applied layer after layer, these confused memories let go of specific places and time, and drift like phantoms, roaming free through the fields of imagination, meeting the visitor half-way, and letting one create their own narrative"

BERG Little Printer

I think we are the only blog that had not payed attention to this product design that already gained Year awards from numerous media and organizations. Okay meet this little fellow - BERG, it is Little Printer lives in your home, bringing you news, puzzles and gossip from friends. Use your smartphone to set up subscriptions and Little Printer will gather them together to create a timely, beautiful miniature newspaper.

This comics says all about the product:

Designcollector Inspiration Set 85: Behance Russia

This is our last Behance Russia Inspiration set in 2012:) We are really happy that Behance recently joined Adobe Inc to deliver better service for creative persons in future. This was a great year for Designcollector+Behance. Together with Deasign Russia we did an awesome Portfolio Review #1 in StPete this spring. In Summer we stopped working with Behance Ambassador program and passed our badge to mighty Moscow Ambassador Tanya Smirnova that has been covering Russian activities long before this date. She was so kind to organize the Portfolio Review in Moscow . We hope to deliver more inspirational sets in 2013 and promise to focus not only on Russian artist but also on different topics and industries.

Follow the largest Collection on Behance "Russia served by Designcollector"

Easy Erika illustrations

Erika is a young illustrator living and working in Saint Petersburg and currently visiting same university as I did. It is clear that illustration once came as hobby now transforming to something more serious in her life and we love this beautiful artworks she does for commercial or personal needs.


New updates from Monterrey, Mexico based branding design agency Anagrama"Ideas exchanged generate constant inspiration. Different points of view, opposite focus conciliation and comprehension of our own views, complement our success. That is why we open our doors with the best attitude to continuously collaborate with the press and education."

Shadow sculpture by Rook Floro

"My sculpture/performance piece is inspired by Carl Jung’s psychological theory about the shadow. It concerns with the repressed ideas, weakness, and desires of oneself that the conscious mind refuses to acknowledge.It represents my ‘shadow’ which involves my hidden desires to be different and become perfect in my own right. We always feel the pressure to be perfect by everything around us such as themedia, social network, advertisement, friends, and family." Check full gallery of Bangkok based sculptor Rook Floro here