Dafuq? Athenaeum by Shawn Huckins
Athenaeum series by artist Shawn Huckins explores 18th and 19th century American painting and photography in context of 21st century lexicons - Facebook status updates, tweets, texting acronyms - that permeate today’s popular culture. The process is a methodical replication of the original work, each painted by hand followed by the superimposition of large white letters, also painted, of social media jargon
Shawn Huckins studio. Photo © Shawn Huckins.
George Washington (The Lansdowne Portrait): I Can’t Pretend That This Is Poetry
Mrs James Warren: Blah Blah Blah
Shawn Huckins, Athenaeum, exhibition view. Photo courtesy Foster/White Gallery and the artist.
Midshipman Augustus Brine: You Have No Idea How Much I Love You, I Don’t Know Whatever
Mrs John Biddle: Delete Me
Richard Heber: To Dante, You’re All I Have, Just Please Don't Ever Text Me Again