The Digital Decade III - Last Chapter

It was an intensive few months we prepared and exhibited the results of our digital art Battle "His Majesty the Glitch" at OFFF Festival in Barcelona. Many positive things happened as well as our exhibition got a real glitches starting from inverted printing ended with posters falling down from the walls. That was cool to see and meet a lot of like-minded people at OFFF Festival and inviting some of them to vote with a special sticker for the best of the best at The Digital Decade wall. Please enjoy the results of our collaboration on Behance now, were appreciations and sharings are welcome!

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OFFF Festival

OFFF Barcelona 2015 Main Titles by Signalnoise and Onesize

After Hector Ayuso had put Onesize in touch with graphic artist James White (aka Signalnoise) to collaborate on OFFF Barcelona 2015 Main Titles, the question arose: "How will the styles ever mix?" They chose to give the audience a souvenir by printing the titles in the form of a card deck. Fifty three designs were made by James White and his team (back in Canada), while Onesize developed two 80s TV Commercials, selling the card deck and promising a better life for dysfunctional families.This film tells a story about Jason, a boy who bought this deck of cards 30 years ago as a last resort to save his family. It all turned out quite different for him and he blames Sean - the kid in the commercials - whose "no losers, only winners” catchphrase has eaten through Jason’s life like a cancer. Now, in present time, Jason’s journey of revenge is coming to a close. Before the film was shown to the audience at the festival, over 2000 printed versions of the card game where handed out to every single person in the room as "take-away titles".

A photo posted by OFFF Barcelona (@offfest) on

OFFF Barcelona 2015 Main Titles by Signalnoise and Onesize

After Hector Ayuso had put Onesize in touch with graphic artist James White (aka Signalnoise) to collaborate on OFFF Barcelona 2015 Main Titles, the question arose: "How will the styles ever mix?" They chose to give the audience a souvenir by printing the titles in the form of a card deck. Fifty three designs were made by James White and his team (back in Canada), while Onesize developed two 80s TV Commercials, selling the card deck and promising a better life for dysfunctional families.This film tells a story about Jason, a boy who bought this deck of cards 30 years ago as a last resort to save his family. It all turned out quite different for him and he blames Sean - the kid in the commercials - whose "no losers, only winners” catchphrase has eaten through Jason’s life like a cancer. Now, in present time, Jason’s journey of revenge is coming to a close. Before the film was shown to the audience at the festival, over 2000 printed versions of the card game where handed out to every single person in the room as "take-away titles".

A photo posted by OFFF Barcelona (@offfest) on

OFFF Unmasked

We are still under the OFFF influence and one of the reason to visit the festival is to had a chance to get a special art book to complete your collection. This year VASAVA Studio presented their sacral work "OFFF UNMASKED" to the audience.

That what they said: "A new art book celebrating the 15th edition of Barcelona’s OFFF festival is as unique as the event itself. Featuring contributions from renowned illustrators and graphic designers, OFFF Unmasked is a journey into a parallel world, portraying the OFFF community as a mysterious cult with its own legends and rituals. Readers must peer behind the layers of myth to discover the real story of OFFF, its founders and its early supporters. The approach is in tune with the ethos of OFFF, which has always invited its guests to look beneath the surface of creativity.

The book’s host and mascot is Dr. Urgil Vataar, an academic who has made exposing the cult of OFFF his life’s work. This is the first time he has publically detailed his efforts to disentangle truth from fiction. The book was designed by Barcelona design studio Vasava in close collaboration with the OFFF team. It will be given away free to all those who attend the event, making it an extremely premium souvenir indeed. "





















OFFF Unmasked

We are still under the OFFF influence and one of the reason to visit the festival is to had a chance to get a special art book to complete your collection. This year VASAVA Studio presented their sacral work "OFFF UNMASKED" to the audience.

That what they said: "A new art book celebrating the 15th edition of Barcelona’s OFFF festival is as unique as the event itself. Featuring contributions from renowned illustrators and graphic designers, OFFF Unmasked is a journey into a parallel world, portraying the OFFF community as a mysterious cult with its own legends and rituals. Readers must peer behind the layers of myth to discover the real story of OFFF, its founders and its early supporters. The approach is in tune with the ethos of OFFF, which has always invited its guests to look beneath the surface of creativity.

The book’s host and mascot is Dr. Urgil Vataar, an academic who has made exposing the cult of OFFF his life’s work. This is the first time he has publically detailed his efforts to disentangle truth from fiction. The book was designed by Barcelona design studio Vasava in close collaboration with the OFFF team. It will be given away free to all those who attend the event, making it an extremely premium souvenir indeed. "





















OFFF Barcelona 2015 Open Titles by Atelier

We are back! It's been a huge experience to visit the 15th OFFF Festival last week. We can't give you all emotions spread across the venue, so please save the link to book the Early Bird tickets for their next events. Meanwhile enjoy the film created by ATELIER Masmachos Team a visual arts scholarship created by OFFF to open new talents. They also did a "Finally Fucking Fifteen" campaign to celebrate the anniversary of the festival. Also you can be the next person to create next OFFF festival branding, just apply for Atelier Courses here

Strophe A man’s existence. This is how routine affects us; absorbs us from the inside until we get consumed by it and get comfortable with repetitive patterns and accept changes along the way. We present to you Atelier school’s Opening Titles for OFFF Barcelona 2015. A modern poetic internal monologue inspired by the Greek playwrights Euripides and Sophocles, the British philosopher Alan Watts and the American writer Henry Miller.


OFFF Barcelona 2015 Open Titles by Atelier

We are back! It's been a huge experience to visit the 15th OFFF Festival last week. We can't give you all emotions spread across the venue, so please save the link to book the Early Bird tickets for their next events. Meanwhile enjoy the film created by ATELIER Masmachos Team a visual arts scholarship created by OFFF to open new talents. They also did a "Finally Fucking Fifteen" campaign to celebrate the anniversary of the festival. Also you can be the next person to create next OFFF festival branding, just apply for Atelier Courses here

Strophe A man’s existence. This is how routine affects us; absorbs us from the inside until we get consumed by it and get comfortable with repetitive patterns and accept changes along the way. We present to you Atelier school’s Opening Titles for OFFF Barcelona 2015. A modern poetic internal monologue inspired by the Greek playwrights Euripides and Sophocles, the British philosopher Alan Watts and the American writer Henry Miller.


OFFF 2015 x Designcollector

Designcollector Blog is going to be quiet next week as we go to OFFF Barcelona Festival happening the 15th time during 28 - 30 of May to support them as a Media Partners! This is our 5th visit to this brainstorming festival. We are also happy to present our project "The Digital Decade 3" during the festival that has a debut at OFFF 2013 with the help of Depositphotos. Find me near the posters in a main venue at the time of the festival to cast your "Like" with a special stickers.

Meanwhile follow us on Instagram to get latest news from festival at its dates as well as to enjoy our Visual Overdose happening there, here and over there.

The Digital Decade 3: The Final

To celebrate the 12th Anniversary of Designcollector Network we decided to run a special collaboration "The Digital Decade III: His Majesty The Glitch" that we divided and held in two phases during this April and May.First, together with our Exclusive Partner Depositphotos invited 12 Digital Artists to come up with the work reflecting the fragility of our Digital Age. Second, we did an Open Call for Arms and ran the first ever Glitch Art Competition that gathered around 30 diverse artists around the world. The best 3 works selected by our professional jury including Hector Ayuso (OFFF), Vladimir Shreyder (Glitche App), Tanya Smirnova (Depositphotos) and me Arseny Vesnin, as well as judged by 12 Artists we selected for the Phase 1.

You can see all 15 works on now, and some of lucky you can see the posters live at OFFF Festival, Barcelona, 28-30 May.

The Deepest of Space by Joshua Davis for #OFFF2015

If you booked your place at OFFF 2015 festival than consider the video below as a spoiler of what to expect from the largest media design festival in Europe. Leading digital artist Joshua Davis, the veteran of the OFFF festival comes back to Barcelona with his epic new work "The Deepest of Space". This will be a hang out room at OFFF with his generative art playing around using a special product that he created personally, the room will literally look and feel like you're floating in the deepest of space! Enjoy the demo below, and see you at OFFF!

Future Lions 2015

AKQA ANNOUNCES 2015 FUTURE LIONS CALL FOR ENTRIESCompetition Puts Winning Students on Global Stage in Cannes

13 March 2015 – The Future Lions student creative competition has issued its call for entries. In collaboration with the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, AKQA is hosting Future Lions for the tenth year. This year’s theme, ‘Make Your Move,’ encourages students to think ahead and consider how their ideas can shape the future.


In celebration of the competition’s focus on creativity and innovation, AKQA’s official partner is Google.

Future Lions challenges the next generation to connect an audience of their choosing to a product or service from a global brand in a way that wasn’t possible three years ago. There are no rules in terms of media or technology, and no specifics around product, service, or target audience.

The deadline for entries is April 15, 2015 at 18:00 GMT.

Winning ideas will be honored at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 16:00 CET in the Debussy Theatre at Les Palais des Festivals. “It is always the up-and-coming generation that influences what’s coming around the corner,” said Rei Inamoto, Chief Creative Officer, AKQA. “They are constantly pushing the boundaries of how we connect audiences around the globe. We are challenging young talent to make a move and shake up the industry with ideas that will shape the future.”

Celebrating its tenth year, Future Lions helps identify the best and brightest young talent from around the globe. An unprecedented 1,760 students from 40 countries participated in the 2014 competition.

FITC 2015 Official Titles

Now in its 8th year, FITC Amsterdam 2015 is host to the latest and greatest in design, technology and cool shit from all around the globe. Join fellow digital creators and world renowned speakers this February to learn about design, development, creativity and so much more. FITC is the intersection between Creative Technologists, Designers, Developers and all-around awesome thinkers from various innovative industries across the globe. They converge every year in Amsterdam to connect, challenge, inspire and to experience the cutting edge in design and technology.

The 2015 Titles are created by Instrument. An independent digital creative agency in Portland, Oregon. They launch brands, products, campaigns and interactive experiences for every screen.

Directors: Truen Pence, Jake Sargeant Music: Duologue

OFFF 2015 #finallyfuckingfifteen

More than a decade ago, OFFF was born as a festival. Today, OFFF is a way of understanding art. A way of life. Evolving and transforming. This time OFFF is celebrating its puberty age and it is #finalllyfuckingfifteenDesigncollector team join the celebration and will deliver you the latest information regarding the festival. Meanwhile head to the Ticket Section and secure your position in the near OFFFuture (Facebook).

Fifteen isn’t just an odd number, nor a year, nor a bunch of candles we’re blowing this May. Fifteen is this gigantic era of your life which you got to it once in your life and your whole world turned upside down: your first acne, your first lover, your first turn on, your first experience. That’s how the creative team at Atelier is presenting OFFF 15th Anniversary this year. It’s when you welcomed your innocence to a crazy world, it’s when you turned “Finally Fucking Fifteen”.




Ten by Fotoloia: Kenichiro Tomiyasu & Mi-Kyung Kim

At the start of the year, Fotolia launched its third season of the TEN Collection: a creative, educational digital art project bringing together pairs of world-famous artists (a photographer and a graphic designer) to collaborate on an artistic creation. This season will close in November with a collaboration from two Far-Eastern artists

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LDF - The First Law of Kipple

Our interior editor Anna promised us to make a little coverage of London Design Festival. Meanwhile we found an interesting installation of Dan Tobin Smith. Entitled 'The First Law of Kipple' in reference to Phillip K Dick's 1968 novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep'—that later went on to inspire Blade Runner—the installation features thousands upon thousands of objects swamping the studio on every flat surface, arranged (with great appeal to the OCD-inclined) in a stunning spectrum of colours. Much like the fictional post-apocalyptic world that is haunted by plastic 'kipple,' the objects swarm all throughout the exhibition space—following viewers up stairs and into the toilet cubicle. Read more on Core77











